As the calendar turns from Thanksgiving, the church begins a season we call “advent.” The word “Advent” derives from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming,” which is a translation of the Greek word parousia. For the first Christians, advent was all about preparing for Jesus to come again – the true second Christmas.
Maybe because Christ’s birth was first celebrated during winter amid darkness, light is one of the key elements used to help us understand what Christ’s coming means.
And for the 2015 version of advent at Trinity, we will play with the image of light, especially in the Apostle John’s telling of what Christ’s coming is all about.
This week, let this phrase marinate in your soul: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
We live in a world that appears to grow darker by the minute. From global terrorism to regional conflicts to our own families and even our own souls, we can all sense places in our lives where the veil of darkness threatens to consume. But, by the end of our worship hour today, my aim is to help us see John’s phrase as a confession of faith, dagger into the darkness, and our fight song, if you will, to combat the darkness in our lives.
Oh, and something else! Advent at Trinity features kids! Be blessed as they remind us of what the light is all about.
There will not be Children in Worship, Children’s or Youth Sunday School this week.
The Sunday School Guide will be meeting in Adult Room 1 at 9:50 a.m.
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