Thanksgiving CommUNITY Meal

There will be a Thanksgiving Day CommUNITY meal on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 26, at Living Water Church. They’ll be serving turkey and all the trimmings from 11:30 to 1 pm. The meal is at no cost to anyone; you are welcome to bring an item for our local Food Pantry if you wish. Everyone is invited to help with this meal, as well as come and eat!  Transportation to the meal, “take out” and delivery available, just call the numbers listed below, or the church (707-5100). We provide for those in the hospital, nursing homes, those unable to leave their homes, or those who have to work that day at local stores and convenience stores. If you or your family wish to help, you can provide pumpkin or fruit pies, roasters, turkeys and/or turkey bakers, help serve the meal or help with cleanup (1-2 hr shifts), delivery drivers, monetary donations to cover advertising and misc. costs. Please consider how you can help with this effort. It is amazing to see God work through the businesses, individuals/families, and churches in our community to make this meal a reality.


  • Ronda Noteboom (712) 548-3755,
  • Sandie Van’t Hof, (712) 230-0537,