This week’s message takes us to the end of our five weeks in John 3 and 4. We’ve enjoyed Jesus’ conversations with a religious man seeking Jesus and with an unnamed woman Jesus was seeking. We found that we are truly free of a past we can’t change and a future we can’t control when we receive our true identity in Christ.
As we come to the final piece, we’ll see what happens in our lives when we live out a future rooted in who God is (our Father) and who we are (his daughters and sons). And, we’ll see what’s at stake when we do.
Fitting, too, is that this week we will celebrate communion. October communion is often called “World Wide Communion.” How appropriate on a day when the text has Jesus with people from Samaria. And, our services will have people from many countries and ethnicities. The breads we use, too, will feature different varieties to remind us of the diversity in God’s kingdom.
Finally, a heads up for next week. On October 11 at 2:30 p.m. we will hold a special worship service for the ordination of Ben Vos! His name (well, title anyway) will change to Reverend Benjamin D. Vos! Be sure to come – there will be pie afterwards!
Sunday School for All Ages at 9:50a.m.
- Children and Worship
- Ages 5-1st Grade (Children’s Area)
- Dismissed during the 8:30 and 11:10 a.m. services.
- Ages K-5th Grade (Children’s Area)
- Middle School & High School (Youth Room)
- Adult Opportunities:
- Questions of Life (Fellowship Hall): This week we will wrap up our series on “How do we interact with other faiths?” We will explore again the role popular spirituality plays in society and how we incorporate things we learned in other classes to provide a winsome and more effective witness.
October 11 – Next Sunday we will begin a series on navigating challenging questions in the area of relationships. Friendships, marriage, singleness, parenting…are all areas we will explore together.
Sunday School Guide: This week will be Lesson 5 (Adult Room 1)
- Questions of Life (Fellowship Hall): This week we will wrap up our series on “How do we interact with other faiths?” We will explore again the role popular spirituality plays in society and how we incorporate things we learned in other classes to provide a winsome and more effective witness.
Going to be gone? You can worship with us live on our Webcast – click HERE
You can also view past services in their entirety – click HERE
You can view this weeks bulletin – click HERE