This Sunday we come to John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son…” A man named F.F. Bruce wrote several decades ago that this is “the best-known and most often preached text in the entire Bible. It is a masterly and moving summary of the gospel, cast in terms of the love of God.”
And there is one word that grabbed my heart more than any other in my preparation: “Whoever…”
I have to imagine that the Pharisee named Nicodemus was undone by the vastness of God’s love. This great promise is all about God. It’s not that Jesus loved us enough to die for us; it is that God loved us enough to give us his son to take away our sin, our guilt, our shame.
Wherever you are this week, it is my prayer that every worshiper would be undone by the grace of God in the person of Jesus. May you know that you are welcomed in the face of such grace.
We will also kick-off our fall Sunday School for all ages this week!
Sunday School for All Ages at 9:50a.m.
- Children and Worship
- Ages 5-1st Grade (Children’s Area)
- Dismissed during the 8:30 and 11:10 a.m. services.
- Ages K-5th Grade (Children’s Area)
- Middle School & High School (Youth Room)
- Adult Opportunities:
- Questions of Life: This week Mike Callagy will facilitate the topic of: How do we interact with people of different faiths? (Fellowship Hall)
- Sunday School Guide: This week will be Lesson 2 (Adult Room 1)
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You can view this weeks bulletin – click HERE