For five weeks this fall, the Holy Spirit is taking us slowly through John 3 and John 4. We’ll hear some of the most quoted words in the Bible – “You must be born again…” and “For God so loved the world…” and “…never be thirsty again.”
We’ll meet two people who appear different but deep down are the same. One is a Jewish male from a prominent family and who is highly religious. The other is an unnamed woman with a checkered past. He seeks Jesus out at night. Jesus seeks her out by day.
They may look different, but deep down, Jesus knows the longing of both hearts is the same. They want to know God’s love, to see God’s kingdom, and to experience true life.
And Jesus offers both what he has – a new birth into a new identity. These wonderfully intimate conversations give us glimpses of a God who, though he loves the whole world, spends time with individual people doing real life.
This week, we’ll also celebrate communion.
Next week Sunday we’ll kick-off Sunday School for all ages during our 9:50 a.m. service.
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You can view this weeks bulletin – click HERE
Our Adult Sunday School Opportunities this week are:
- Sunday School Guide (Adult Room 4) 10:10-10:50 a.m.
- This week we will be studying Lesson 1.