Love Does
This week we will be led by the high school youth group in worship. Many of the students will be sharing their gifts on the worship team, and many others will be serving the church as greeters, deacons, and childcare helpers this morning.
We will also hear a message from the book of Philippians. One of our senior students has developed a message on what Paul wants us to understand through the example Jesus gave, not just in His life, but also in His death and resurrection. Paul’s message of love is that we would, like Jesus, act out our faith on behalf of others.
It’s with this “others first” mentality that several of our youth ministry students embarked on mission trips this summer. Sprinkled throughout the service will be videos of each trip that teenagers went on over the last two months. We hope that through the preached word and the testimonies of the videos that you’ll be able to see our love in action.
Love does. Jesus did and Jesus is love. Now it’s our job to go and do likewise. This is what we learned in mission this summer. And it’s what we hope will carry over in the service this morning.
We return to 3 worship services on August 23: 8:30 / 9:50 / 11:10.
Going to be gone? You can worship with us live on our Webcast – click HERE
You can also view past services in their entirety – click HERE
You can view this weeks bulletin – click HERE
Our Adult Sunday School Opportunities this week are:
- Sunday School Guide (Adult Room 1) 10:10-10:50 a.m.
- This week we will be studying Lesson 48.