This week we will hear from Nahum. Nahum’s is a special kind of prophesy – short and graphic. He pulls no punches and lays everything out there as he predicts the destruction of one of Israel’s biggest and meanest enemies – the Assyrians. They are such an evil and corrupt nation that God has finally had it with them. He showed mercy 130 years earlier when He sent Jonah to preach to them. But now it’s different. Now, the ending will not be so pleasant for the Ninevites.
What we have to remember as we approach the text is that inside of all of us is that same evil impulse that the Assyrians had. At our core, we are broken and sinful people. What Nahum does for us – and what many minor prophets do for us – is hold up a spiritual mirror. Yes, we see the sin and the evil in Assyria and in lots of other places and peoples. But when Nahum puts up that mirror, we cannot escape the image we see: a sinful person in desperate need of a Savior.
That’s the principle I want us to wrestle with: it’s easy to see sin in others, but it’s difficult to see sin in ourselves. That’s why we need the spiritual mirror that Nahum offers. That’s why, even though this is a bad sequel to Jonah, we need to read Nahum.
And as we approach the Table on Sunday to celebrate communion, we’ll remember that the only way our fate will be any different from the Assyrians’ is through Jesus Christ. We are saved from our sin through the blood of Jesus Christ, and it’s His sacrifice that allows us to stand on the day of judgment.
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Our Adult Sunday School Opportunities this week are:
- Sunday School Guide (Adult Room 1) 10:10-10:50 a.m.
- This week we will be studying Lesson 43 on the topic of: Judgment.
We are still in need of several volunteers for Berdella Brown’s funeral on Monday, July 5.
If you can help serve lunch, bring a cake, or usher, please call Sara Crane at 712-441-1757.