Sunday’s Coming ~ June 14, 2015

Wow!  What a great time we had at Trinity with week!  Kristin and her amazing crew of volunteers and helpers led our fun-filled Summer Kids Adventure VBS.  It was a great time where we learned about what it means to live, move, and exist because of Jesus.
Here’s a peek of some of the fun that went on!

[vimeo 130232672 w=500 h=281]

Summer Kids Adventure G-Force from Trinity Reformed Church on Vimeo.


Hi-Fi Bulletin Cover lo-resOur summer messages focus on a group of short books in the Bible often called “Minor Prophets.”

This week we’ll meet Amos.  He was tending his sheep when God gave him a message for people in the northern kingdom of Israel.  We’ll encounter the unblinking gaze of God and hear some tough questions, like “When God’s gaze falls on my heart, what does he see?”

We’ll hear again God’s invitation to seek him and find what is true and lasting and real.  Helping to lead worship this week is a traveling worship team from Dordt College, featuring Trinity’s own Marta Vander Top! Marta will also be interning with us during the upcoming school year.

Going to be gone? You can worship with us live on our Webcast – click HERE

You can also view past services in their entirety – click HERE

Our Youth Sunday School is 10:20-11:20 a.m. for ages K-5th Grade will be meeting in the Kid’s Area.

Our Adult Sunday School Opportunities this week are:

  • God’s Great Story (Adult Rooms 3 & 4) 10:20-11:20 a.m.
    • This Adult Sunday School opportunity will be going until the end of June.  The study is called God’s Great Story, and we will be walking through the New Testament together. 
  • Sunday School Guide (Adult Room 1)  10:10-10:50 a.m.
    • This week we will be studying Lesson 40 on the topic of: Amos 5.


The middle school lock-in will be tonight, June 12th from 8:00 p.m. – 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning.  It will be a night of food, movies, games, and hanging out.  Bring your friends!  There will be a time of quiet and sleep, and breakfast will be served in the morning. Please contact Ben Vos or Ashley Doran with any questions.