Summer Worship Begins – 9:00 & 10:20 a.m.
This weekend is a trifecta of sorts: our nation observes Memorial Day, our local public school marks graduation, and the global church celebrates the Day of Pentecost. The poppies in the cafe will help us remember the sacrifices many made for our nation, our prayer time will focus on our graduates, and the rest of our worship will immerse us in our God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
And, we’re beginning our summer worship times and our summer worship theme. “Hi-Fi: God’s relentless love in the minor prophets.” 9:00 and 10:20 a.m.
“Minor Prophets” is the name given to 12 Bible books at the end of the Old Testament. They are only “minor” in the sense that the books are shorter and their messages more specifically focus on one situation.
Sunday we’ll meet the prophet Joel. He fits the day pretty well. Not only because his most famous verse is quoted in Peter’s speech at Pentecost, but also because he speaks to a people whose lives feel wasting away because of a locust plague devouring a harvest.
I’m guessing most of us can name a time our lives (maybe even right now) when we have felt our lives eaten up by adversity and when God seemed distant. Let’s lean in to Joel’s message and find hope in God’s relentless love.
~ Pastor Jon
Going to be gone? You can worship with us live on our Webcast – click HERE
You can also view past services in their entirety – click HERE
This Sunday we will begin our summer worship times. We will have two services with starting times at 9:00 a.m. and 10:20 a.m. There will not be Children & Worship or Youth and Children’s Sunday School this week.
Our Adult Sunday School Opportunities this week are:
- Sunday School Guide (Adult Room 1)
- This week we will be studying Lesson 37 on topic: Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.
Volunteer needed: We are still in need of 1 person to lead the Science Center during VBS on June 8-9-10. They would be doing science type activities to teach the Bible concept/lesson each day. Please contact Kristin Brouwer at 737-4542 or
Bars needed: Kristin is also still in need of 1 more pan of rice krispie bars for June 8-10 snack times. If you can help make them, please sign-up online, click HERE.
If you haven’t already signed your children up, please do ~ and be sure to invite your neighbors and friends as well!
GForceVBS promo from Trinity Reformed Church on Vimeo.
Have you signed-up your children and volunteered to help yet?
For more information to find out more about this years VBS Summer Kids Adventure, click HERE..