Thanks be to God for an incredible and joyful day of worship! One week into our 5 weeks of 3-services was a good start.
Thank you to all the volunteers!
We also enjoyed some great teaching and fun experiences from Pastor Steve Keyes from Walk Thru the Bible.
If you missed any of it, click HERE to see a replay. As a media note, we are LiveStreaming and archiving the 9:50 and 11:10 worship services.
Trinity will be serving at The Banquet, in Sioux Falls on this Saturday, April 18. We are still in need of several volunteers to help serve, as well as monetary donations to purchase the food. Please sign-up online by clicking HERE or you can email the church office at: or call the office at: 737-4542.
- 6:30 p.m. – Rainbow Club
- 6:30 p.m. – “When Jesus Sees” Women’s Bible Study
- 6:30 p.m. – Amistad Bible Study
- 6:30 p.m. – Ignite Middle School Youth Group
- 8:00 p.m. – Collide High School Youth Group
- 8:30 p.m. – VP3 – Year 1
This week in Sunday school we extended our Easter celebration. Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection are not the end of the story, but the center. Everything that was written about Jesus in the Old Testament and spoken by the prophets was coming true. As you teach kids this Bible story, emphasize the gospel: the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done.
Kristin Bouwer is in need of brown paper grocery bags for a Rainbow Club activity for this Wednesday night. If you have some you’d like to donate, please bring them to the church Monday or Tuesday. Thanks.
Would you like to take some next steps to connect with some new people at Trinity? Consider these possibilities during the month of April.
- Church Game Night – This Sunday, April 19 from 6-8 p.m. This event is open to everyone, and college students in particular are encouraged to attend. For those of you who have been playing Heartland Strategy, this event will be the last scheduled opportunity to play for this season. Student’s don’t need to bring anything, excepts games they’d like to play. Others are asked to bring a snack to share, as well as games. Nursery will be provided for young children, but please sign-up in advance. To sign-up for this event online, click HERE.
- Small Group experience – On Wednesday’s after the meal nights (April 8, 22, May 6, 20) you are invited to Room #1 where we will enjoy getting to know some new people and study God’s Word together. Our time goes from 6:30-7:30pm with childcare upon request to the church office.
- Membership Route – Are you looking to join Trinity Church or learn more about the life and ministry of this exciting church? Set aside Sunday, April 26 from 10am until noon for the Discovering Trinity Class.
- Welcome Lunch – On Sunday, April 26 starting at noon, if you are newer to Trinity, please consider staying around after the 3rd service for an informal lunch with others who are new. This is a great place to here more about Trinity and also meet some staff members and ministry leaders.
Summer Kid’s Adventure will be June 8-11, 2015. For three nights at G-Force Summer Kids Adventure, kids will explore how to put their faith into action. Kids will experience God’s unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and move in and through life with God. This is for kids ages 5-5th grade. Join us June 8-10 from 6-8:00 p.m. and June 11 for a closing family celebration and picnic from 6-7:30 p.m. Sign-up online, click HERE. Or you can sign-up at the Welcome Center on Sundays or by calling the church office during office hours at 737-4542. Please contact Kristin Brouwer at 737-4542 with any questions.
From now through May 10 we are having three Worship Services each Sunday. Starting times will be 8:30am, 9:50am, and 11:10am. Sunday School for all ages will be during the 9:50am service. Children & Worship will be dismissed during the 8:30am and 11:10am services.