During the weeks leading up to Easter (a season of the church year known as “Lent”), we are camping out in Matthew 10. Jesus sees a crowd, has compassion for them, and then calls his disciples to pray:
“The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly for the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
What the disciples soon discover is that they are the answer to their own prayer!
To them (and us) Jesus instructs us to see what he sees, feel what he feels, pray what he prays, receive what he gives, and then say what he says and do what he does.
Of course, we’re also learning that followers of Jesus can expect to be treated just like Jesus was: betrayed, forsaken, even killed for the gospel.
And this Sunday we come to courage. Where does the courage come from to be a faithful presence of Jesus in the places we find ourselves?
It takes courage to live as a faithful presence of God’s kingdom, whether God calls us to go across an ocean or across the street. I hope your own courage will grow this week as you hear the words of Jesus about your identity and destiny.
In Christ,
Pastor Jon
Our Sunday Morning services start at 8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Children and Youth Sunday School will meet between services, 10:00-10:50 a.m.
Children and Worship Children ages 5 through 1st grade will be dismissed during the service and can be picked up after church in the Kid’s Area.
Our Adult Sunday School Opportunities this week are:
- The Life You Have Always Wanted (Adult Rooms 3&4)
- Will not be meeting this week
- Questions of Life (Fellowship Hall)
- This weeks topic: What is our role as Christians in the immigration struggle? Please join us for a 3-week series to wrestle together with this issue that affects our society and our local region in very direct ways. Sunday we will look at the stories of people who have been going through the struggle. On March 29 we will look at what the Bible says, and on April 12 we will explore ways we can move forward both individually and corporately to help make changes in this struggle.
- Sunday School Guide (Adult Room 1)
Going to be gone? You can worship with us live on our Webcast – click HERE
You can also view past services in their entirety – click HERE
If you are a college student, we would love to have you join us for a potluck on Sunday directly following 2nd Service. If you are not a college student, we’d love to have you attend, but we ask that you please provide a main dish to contribute to the meal. Thank you.
From April 12-May 10 we will be having three Worship Services each Sunday. Starting times will be 8:30am, 9:50am, and 11:10am. Sunday School for all ages will be during the 9:50am service. Children & Worship will be dismissed during the 8:30am and 11:10am services.
On Saturday, March 28, Trinity will be participating in the food pantry distribution at American Reformed Church, starting at 8:30 a.m. All are welcome to help deliver. Please sign up at the Welcome Center on Sunday or by calling the church office at 737-4542 during office hours. Contact John Dykstra at or John Buntsma at if you have any questions.
Summer Kid’s Adventure will be June 8-11, 2015. For three nights at G-Force Summer Kids Adventure, kids will explore how to put their faith into action. Kids will experience God’s unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and move in and through life with God. This is for kids ages 5-5th grade. Join us June 8-10 from 6-8:00 p.m. and June 11 for a closing family celebration and picnic from 6-7:30 p.m. Sign-up online, click HERE. Or you can sign-up at the Welcome Center on Sundays or by calling the church office during office hours at 737-4542. Please contact Kristin Brouwer at 737-4542 with any questions.
On Sunday April 12, Walk Through The Bible New Testament will be coming to Trinity! The first session is free and during our morning worship, giving everyone in the congregation a foretaste of the event. The event will take place in the afternoon from 1:00-4:45pm. For everyone registered to attend the afternoon event, there will be books, a lunch at noon, and snacks. Sign-up online, click HERE. Or you can sign-up at the Welcome Center on Sunday or by calling the church office during office hours at 737-4542. Please contact Mike Callagy at 712-541-3110 with questions. Click HERE for more information.