This Sunday we will move directly from God’s faithfulness to us at Trinity, to the fruit we have seen in our church and individual lives. We have much to rejoice in as God has been doing a great work in our lives in countless ways. It is paramount for us to thank God each and every day for his blessings.
At the same time, today’s text (Revelation 3:14-22) is a stark reminder of what happens when we take our eyes off of Jesus and begin living and ministering out of our strength rather than his. We become useless to this community and to the world around us. We no longer bear the kind of fruit that nourishes and blesses a hurting and broken world and become self-serving and inward focused. The church of Laodicea is a reminder and call for God’s people to always respond to the Lord’s invitation to turn from any self-sufficiency and come back to him. When we do, he promises us deepening intimacy with him and on-going fruitfulness in ministry. This God uses to draw the world to know and follow him.
What a joy and privilege this is. Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus, remain in him and bear much fruit to testify that we are his disciples. (John 15:4, 8)
Our Sunday Morning services start at 8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Children and Youth Sunday School will meet between services, 10:00-10:50 a.m.
Children and Worship Children ages 5 through 1st grade will be dismissed during the service and can be picked up after church in the Kid’s Area.
Our Adult Sunday School Opportunities this week are:
- Questions of Life (Fellowship Hall)
- On Sunday we will be discussing the topic of Living Missionally. Derek Brower and Barb Dewald will facilitate our time together.
- The Life You Have Always Wanted (Adult Rooms 3 & 4)
- On Sunday we will look at Journaling. So what’s wrong with the one I have, and what does journaling have to do with anything, including my life? Mike Callagy will be leading this discussion.
- Sunday School Guide (Adult Room 1)
Going to be gone? You can worship with us live on our Webcast – click HERE
You can also view past services in their entirety – click HERE
If you are a college student, we would love to have you join us for a potluck on Sunday, directly following 2nd Service. If you are not a college student, we’d love to have you attend, but we ask that you please provide a main dish to contribute to the meal. Thank you.
Trinity women, please join us on Saturday, February 21, from 9-11:00 a.m. for brunch in the Fellowship Hall. Rachel Valentine will be sharing on the topic of “Busyness & The Discipline of Being Present.” A free-will offering will be taken to bless the Royal Family Kids Camp of NW Iowa. Please sign-up at the Welcome Center on Sunday or online click HERE. Sign-up deadline is Sunday, February 15.
This week as LOVE is in the air and snow is on the ground it is never too early to think about June. SAVE THE DATE for June 8-10 for “God’s Love in Action” Vacation Bible School. It will be 6-8:15 p.m. A celebration meal at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday night June 11.