Sunday’s Coming ~ December 7, 2014

“…her warfare is ended…” (Isaiah 40:2)
We usually use this blog to give updates on ministry and events in our church.  And this post is no different for the most part.  But the text for the 2nd week in Advent is so compelling, so rich, so incredibly beautiful, and so utterly impossible to preach each phrase.  So, here is one that didn’t make the sermon, but is poignant nonetheless.

The very first words of God to his beloved people after 70 years of captivity is this: “… her warfare is ended…”  Her conflict with God and others is done.  One piece of peace is the absence of war. It. Is. Finished.

In the wake of racial tension in our country, ISIS in the Middle East, terror in Africa, human rights abuses around the world, and the myriad of lesser conflicts with in our office cubicles and neighborhoods, the promise of God still stands.  In Christ our warfare is ended.  As followers of the risen Jesus, the hope of the world is the church bringing and working for and living in that peace.

Wherever you find yourself today, be the peace of Christ.

With you for Jesus,


And now, yes, the rest of our weekend lies ahead…..


Heartland Strategy Night

Come out for a fun night of Heartland Strategy this Saturday night, December 6 at 7:00 p.m.  Everyone is welcome.  Please bring a snack to share, drinks will be provided.


What Are You Waiting For VertAs the kids remind us in our Advent video on waiting, on Sunday we’ll walk with the people of Israel in their waiting place – 70 years of captivity in Babylon.  What does a parent say to a disciplined child after a long wait in timeout?  What does God say to his people, and to us, in our waiting places?  This great text in Isaiah 40 will be a wonderful prelude to our celebration of communion.

Plus, the kids will again sing and lead our Advent wreath texts!  And, Scripture will be shared by Matthew Jongerius and Jeff Barker!  And, we’ll meet Marlin Vis, our mission partner in Palestine / Israel.  We’ll cap the day with a soup and pie and celebration dinner.  Come back and join us this evening for stories of God’s people with a look to what is coming in 2015.


This Sunday the 2nd and 3rd graders will be leading us in worship.  Reminder to parents to have your children at church in their spot on the risers by 8:30 a.m.

Our Sunday Morning services start at 8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Children and Youth Sunday School will meet between services, 10:00-10:50 a.m.

Children and Worship Children ages 5 through 1st grade will be dismissed during the service and can be picked up after church in the Kid’s Area.

Our Adult Sunday School Opportunities this week are:

  • Questions of Life (Fellowship Hall)
    •  Come out for an opportunity to explore important and challenging questions we have in life.  This weeks topic is: “Why does there always seem to be conflict in the Middle East, and what is our roll as Christians in this?” Come hear Marlin Vis, RCA Facilitator of Church Engagement in Israel and Palestine, dialogue with us about this and other questions and concerns you have.
  • Fabric of Faithfulness Study (Adult Rooms 3&4)
    • A book study for college students to help learn how to connect what they believe about the world and how they live in the world.  Facilitated by John Fernstrum.
  • Sunday School Guide (Adult Room 1)

Going to be gone? You can worship with us live on our Webcast – click HERE

You can also view past services in their entirety – click HERE


This Sunday is our annual congregational gathering and we’re trying something a little different this year.  Trinity members will vote on the budget and elders and deacons in the same way that we voted in Christ Chapel about the facility.  Members, pick up a ballot in the lobby before morning worship, bring it with you to worship, complete it, and place it in the offering. We will have a soup & pie supper and celebration at 5:00 p.m.  In our evening together we’ll celebrate God’s grace among us, hear the results of our ballots, and hear where we’re headed in 2015.  Everyone (members and people not yet members) is welcome to attend. After the kids are finished eating, they may enjoy a movie in the Kids’ Center.  Our evening should conclude by 6:45 p.m.

For proposed budget information, see the November newsletter online, click HERE.

To see a sample 2015 Consistory Ballot, click HERE.


Trinity Coffee OpportunitiesWe have an exciting opportunity for the holiday season!  The café will be selling individual bags of ground and whole bean coffee in 1 lb. bags, starting on Sunday.  You can pick from Regular, Decaf, and Hazelnut.  The Hazelnut only comes in ground coffee.  Each bag will cost $12 and proceeds will go to help pay for coffee and supplies in the café and Ethiopia Reads.  Coffee makes a great Christmas gift!  If you are not a coffee drinker, there are a lot of college students who would love a surprise gift from you.  We would be happy to deliver your gift to a student in time for finals week!


Senior Christmas Fellowship2014Next Thursday, December 11 at Noon, we will be hosting our 3rd annual Senior Fellowship Christmas Dinner.  Enjoy a catered meal of roast beef, cheesy potatoes, green beans, and fruit salad – all served up by the church staff.  Yummie!!!!  Suggested donation of $7.00. Please reserve your spot today  by calling the church office (737-4542) or you can sign up at the Welcome Center on Sunday.