Monday’s Here

Chosen by God, redeemed in Jesus, and sealed by the Holy Spirit – that’s Bob’s message in a nutshell from Ephesians 1.  Incredibly helpful.  In case you missed it, you can watch our online archive of our service yesterday.  Click HERE


    • Join us at 6:30p.m. Thanksgiving Eve for worship at Trinity, with Living Water Community Church.  We will also be collecting non-perishable food items to help replenish the Food Pantry after its holiday distribution this weekend.
    • Join us Thanksgiving morning at 7:30 a.m. (rain, snow, or shine) The race begins and ends in the Trinity parking lot and all proceeds will support The Bridge Transitional Housing Ministry. For more information and to register online, click HERE.
    • The Thanksgiving CommUNITY meal will again be held for people in this community and local area on Thursday, Nov. 27th.  The meal will take place at the Living Water Community Building. Last year people from every church in Orange City either attended or served at this community event.  You are welcome to help serve in different places including set-up and clean-up. Many people have participated in food preparation, baking turkeys, and making pumpkin pies.  Local businesses and individuals donated the potatoes, gravy, corn, cranberry sauce, stuffing and some of the turkeys. There will be two serving lines, with servers dishing out the food. Some of our families with children will be cleaning the tables and re-setting them for the next diners.  We will have take-out available, as well as delivery to hospitals, nursing homes and possibly our local jail.  Serving begins at 11:30 until 1 pm.  Organizers: Ronda Noteboom 712-548-3755 and Sandie Van’t Hof  712-230-0537.
    • Needed:  Turkey bakers. Turkey baking instructions are available upon request.  Please call the church office at 737-4542 as soon as possible if you are able to help.  Monetary donations are also needed.
    •  If we cannot feed the entire world why not begin simply with a bag of food for an individual or family?  This Sunday, from 5:30-7:30pm our fellowship hall will be turned into stations where Trinity folks will package between 20,000-30,000 meals for people in need.  This event is a lot of fun, as people of all ages (children 7 years old to people in their 80’s have done this in recent years) work together for this cause.  Come for an hour shift or stay the entire night.  If you are able to help set-up on Sunday afternoon, please call or e-mail the church office by Wednesday morning.  Looking forward to seeing you there!   ~Trinity Deacons
    • Trinity Church Office: 712-737-4542   Trinity email:


We’re just under two weeks away from our annual gathering!  We’re trying something a little different this year.  Trinity members will vote on the budget and elders and deacons in the same way that we voted in Christ Chapel about the facility.  Members will pick up a ballot in the lobby, bring it with them to worship, complete it, and place it in the offering.  We will have a soup & pie supper and celebration at 5:00 p.m.  In our evening together we’ll celebrate God’s grace among us, hear the results of our ballots, and hear where we’re headed in 2015.  Everyone (members and people not yet members) is welcome to attend.

For proposed budget information, see the November newsletter online, click HERE.

To see a sample 2015 Consistory Ballot, click HERE.

Elder / Deacon Nominees are…

  • Leadership Elder (congregation chooses 1):
    • Derek Brower or Rick Clark
  • Leadership Deacon (congregation chooses 1):
    • Brian Hector or Kim Jongerius
  • Elders (vote yes or no):
    • Michelle Christy, Barb Dewald, Rick Scholtens
  • Deacons (vote yes or no):
    • Blake Plender, Dean Calsbeek, Jackie Davis

10521927_10153485075109240_8016324683054350674_nNEW BABY

Congratulation to Jared and Sarah Weber on the birth of their daughter, Joslyn Raenie who was born on November 21.