Monday’s Here
Welcome to life after Tulip Festival! What fun we all had enjoying the great community we live in. Incredible how many amazing volunteers from the church were involved in helping with the varied activities.
Now back to life. Here are three things to know this week:
Dear Church Family, I would like to ask you to consider hosting a Japanese Student for one month this summer. These students are from Meiji Gakuin High School in Tokyo, Japan. This is the same school our students were from this winter for our three week English camp that many of you got to meet. Our family hosted a boy last summer and it was a blast and a blessing. The dates are the last week of July until the last week of August approximately. It is really a ministry opportunity to these students. But you will be blessed so much as well as you get to invest in their lives. Nori Odate, their teacher, asked me to bring this to you. So please let me know if would like to do this as soon as possible. Thanks, Kristyn Howe 737-4677